>What is happening to this society?

>If I’m not terribly busy I would like to write about something that very much disturbing my heart that seem to be going on almost every week now here.  This shows how bad and sick our society now in this beloved country we call Malaysia.  Why must they die?  Why must they be abandon without feeling any sympathy or love.  Yes, where is the love, that suppose to come naturally from someone called mother.  Even a cat or chicken would protect their young ones without being told to do so.  These **** cannot even deserve to be called a beast.  Because even a beast would love and protect their youngs.  I’m having my Competency Assessment Test (PTK) tomorrow.  I still need to get the individual paper test to be completed by tonite.  I’ll write more about this tomorrow, insya Allah.  But, in the meant time if any of you have something to share on this issue, you are most welcome to do so.  Wish me the best for tomorrow exam.


>A busy day

>We, the Center of Technology Management IAB, had a 3 day course for IAB’s lecturer starting yesterday (14/4) till Friday 16.  It’s on the use of our Elearning portal at IAB.  Everyone in the center are involved.  Not all of the participants that we expected came.  Many replaced their heads or colleagues who have other commitments and not able to attend.  So, many come not prepared.  I had my presentation on the portal management and learning element that all course manager and lecturer should know.  Some issues arises during the course.  I’ll discuss mere later.  BTW, we had 16 new visitor since last 2 days. That good.     

>Books I’m reading now.

>I bought 3 books this month. 1) Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other powerfool Web Tools for Classrooms (Richardson, 2009: Corwin Press), 2) No One Cares What You Had for Lunch: 100 Ideas for Your Blog (Margaret Mason, 2007: Peachpit Press), and 3) 10 Steps to Successful Training (Elaine Biech, 2009: ASTD Press). You might able to predict why I bought them. You can also check out the books at my online Google bookshelf (Reading Now). I’ll share my reading with you shortly. So, I have spent about RM200+ this month for books.  How ’bout you?


>Salam to all,
Just updating this blog. I see that my last post was on May 27, last year. Almost 10 months. Huh, am I writing this as an annual activity or what? May I should reflect on this blogging activity. “Why I’m doing it.” I had deactivated my FB, a few weeks ago, for some reason, very personal reason that vary hard to share it with you out there. Maybe the FBs made blogging not as the top priorities for our web activity. That could be a reason for the low blogging activity. So, now with the FB temporary shut down, probably I have more time with this blog.

>Owhiro Bay, Wellington


Today, after sending my wife to her workshop, I went to Owhiro Bay taking the bus no. 29 to Happy Valley and Island Bay. The was very nice.  The sky was clear and the wind was not strong.  Owhiro Bay would probably be the westerly bay accessible by public transport.

Arrived at Owhiro Bay at about 10.15 am.  After taking photos, I walk by the coastal road toward Island Bay.  It took me more than 30 minutes.  There was no bus.

Or you want to view them from my Picasa Album – click below:

Wellington (Owhiro Bay)